Perfect for Signs on Produce Bins and Shelf Fronts
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These Clip-on Sign Holders arte one of our top-selling display products. Although designed to clip over the 16-18mm thick fronts of standasrd produce bins they are also a pop[ular way to display signs on the fronts of refrigersated produce shelving.
They are made from polycarbonate, one of the toughest plastics used to mahe display products
Poor Produce Display Signage
Great Produce Display Signage
Many customers judge a supermarket or produce store by the quality of their displays. Research has shown that if they are not impressed they may shop elsewhere. Scrappy hand-written signs stuck on with adhesive tape or Blu Tac will not create they right impression. These clear, clip-on sign sleeves are an easy way to upgrade
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Page last updated 23 February 2022