Fruit Separators: Features and Benefits

  • Description

And how to use them to create awesome-looking fresh produce displays

Better than dividers

Create stable stacks

Or interleaved displays

Dividers do have applications in some produce displays. But in most shops they are difficult to use to maintain neat, tidy displays. Fruit Separator Mats are a much better solution. They help create stable stacks of produce that are more visually exciting.

Fruit Separator Mats Close Up of Cavities Image

Close Up of Cavities

Fruit Sepatator Mats Close Up Side View Image

Close Up Side View

Fruit Separator Mats Two Types Image
Two Types

Fruit Separators are made from soft, EVA or rigid PVC sheets that have been moulded to form cavities that support the produce. EVA Mats are the most popular product for most displays as they cushion the fruit and minimise damage when on display.

Fruit Separator Mats Close Up Eva

Close Up Eva Mats

Fruit Separator Mats Close Up Rigid Plastic

Close Up Rigid Plastic Mats

Fruit Separator Mats Close Up Clear Plastic Image

Close Up Clear Plastic Mats

Subject to minimum order quantites and manufacturing lead times, Fruit Separator Mats can be made in clear PVC. Why clear? If displayed on top of, for example, attractive timber bins or tables, the colour and texture of the timber remains visible. For most stores, however, black is the colour of choice because it makes the colours of the fruit stand out.

Fruit Separator Mats Flat Image

Flat EVA Mats

Fruit Separator Mats Standard Contoured Cavities Image

Standard or soft cavities

Fruit Separator Mats Range of Sizes Image

Sizes for most fruits

The low-cost flat EVA Mats can be used for non-spherical produce like capsicums or as liners for for crates, baskets and tubs. The moulded mats have either standard or softer contoured cavities. The latter is ofter a better choice for some items like avocados or pears. The standard cavities come in sizes from 50mm (for small mandarines or stone fruit) up to 100mm (for large grapefruit).

Fruit Separator Mats Easy to Cut Image

Easy to cut

Fruit Separator Mats Easy to Overlap Image

Easy to Overlap

Fruit Separator Mats Application Produce Bins

For Produce Bins

Fruit Separator Mats come in sizes that approximate the sizes of standard Produce Bins. Combine the Mats with sloping Ramps to create the best displays.

Fruit Separator Mats Application Crates and Baskets Image

For Crates and Baskets

Fruit Separator Mats Application Refrigerated Shelving

For Refrigerated Shelves

Fruit Separator Mats Pyramids Image

No to Pyramids

Fruit Separators are not just for bins and tables. Use them on refrigerated shelving. Or in crates, baskets and tubs. But there are limits! We often see re-stock staff building pyramids with the produce. They look fantastic. They should be proud of their display. Or should they? Unfortunately store customers hate these high pyramids. They fear for their stability and are reluctant toi select from the produce on display, worried about a majur collapse. And with these pyramids, they can only select items form the top two rows at most. Create lower stacks to maximise sales and keep your customers happy.

Page last updated 01 September 2024