Making sure you present your produce in optimum condition
Water-fillable Herb and Asparagus Tubs
For asparagus, broccolini, bunched coriander, basil, parsley and more
Multi-Channel Hydroponic Tubs
For hydroponic plants, lettuce and living herbs like
Herb Packet Trays
For pre-packed fresh herbs like oregano, basil and thyme
Small Wire Salad Bag Holder
For up to 5 single bags. Black.
Special Purpose Tubs for Produce
In-Store Image
Large Wire Salad Bag Holder
For up to 15 single bags. Black or Stainless Steel.
New products for 2020 are currently being photgraphed and information prepared ready to add these products to this web site. In the meantime please email us for details and prices.
Page last updated on 29 June 2020