Produce Display Tubs with Clear Straight Fronts Image

produce display tubs with clear straight fronts

Improve the visibility of the produce on display

  • Clear removable polycarbonate fronts
  • Black or wood grain tubs
  • Plus new style with removable internal ramp
  • Designed for fresh produce refrigerated shelving
The prices for the products on this page are currently being reviewed. Please email us for prices and availability before ordering.


Removable fronts for ease of cleaning

Easy to clean and maintain

Designed and made in Australia

This range of tubs are great for displaying produce at a height which can be seen. The clear fronts improve visibility of the produce on display. Unlike out tubs with curved clear fronts, these tubs do not clip on to the backs of the shelves. If you want to display them on sloping shelves the sheves will need wire or similar shelf fronts.

Produce Display Tubs with Clear Straight Fronts Example 1 Image
Produce Display Tubs with Clear Straight Fronts Example 2 Image

Mix these tubs with our other styles of tubs to complete your display. Typically this would include large standard tubs for the bottom shelf, a mix of medium sized standard tubs on the middle shelves and these clear fronted tubs towards the top of the displays. Include a few of the special purpose tubs for items like asparagus or stepped display modules for punnets.

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Tubs:ABS plastic
Sizes:2 standard sizes
Colours:Black, woodgrain.
Clear Lids:No
Optional:Replacement fronts
Email us for more information
Made in:Australia
For:Produce retailers
Availability:Despatched in 24-48 hours
Freight:Calculated at Checkout
Discounts:See Detailed Product Views
Special Prices:Click for information *
* For national supermarkets

Select to buy online


Display Tub with Straight Clear Front - 410x305x70mm

Lower Price for 25+

Display Tub with Straight Clear Front - 500x305x80mm

Lower Price for 10+

Produce Display Tub Clear Straight Front Small Black

Much cheaper for 10+

Produce Display Tub Clear Straight Front Small Woodgrain

Much cheaper for 10+

Produce Display Tub Clear Straight Front Large Black

Much cheaper for 10+

Produce Display Tub Clear Straight Front Large Woodgrain

Much cheaper for 10+

Produce Display Tub Clear Straight Front Ramp Black

Much cheaper for 10+
Produce Display Tubs Clear Straight Fronts Application with Squash Image
Produce Display Tubs wuth Clear Straight Fronts with Rhubarb Image
Produce Display Tubs wuth Clear Straight Fronts with Fennel Image

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Page last updated 29 June 2020